Monday, November 16, 2009

Day -8 in the books!

Okay, we're checked into the room that Charles will be living in for about a month (give or take) during the transplant process. We're very familiar with this neighborhood- we're on the same floor we were on for 3 weeks during the last time he was at OHSU.

This time we have a room on the other side of the building and a MUCH more awesome view! We can see a lot of Portland as well as the top of the tram station down below our window. It's also nice to see a few familiar faces of nurses who are still stationed on this floor that we got to know last time. They're amazing ladies and gentlemen. We're going to try to get settled in and make the room as homey as we can soon.

The counting process for bone marrow transplants is a little different. Days before the transplant are counted as negative days, so today is day minus 8 for Charles. Tomorrow will be day -7 and so forth until the day of the transplant which will be day zero! Days after the transplant will be counted as plus.

Today Charles had a port put into his chest for easy access as far has drawing blood and giving fluids, medication, etc. He will even get his new bone marrow cells through the port. Since March he has been using a PICC line in his arm, but the new port has more lumens (they're like little plugs that you can draw out of or plug into), so the doctors will be able to do more with it. He gets his PICC taken out tomorrow. It's been good to him but it's time for it to go.

The surgery for putting in the port went smoothly! Charles was a little funny afterward but not has funny as I was hoping he'd be. : )

He was wanting to do this update tonight but started falling asleep in the middle of it, so I told him I'd do the post for him. Hopefully he will pick up the computer tomorrow and give an update himself! Until then!


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