Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day -3

Ok I might just throw up some photos and a little text today. Feeling a bit tired beaten up by the chemo. Today was a good day even though Karlin and I still can't seem to make it to the end of Star Trek. I had a scheduled radiation this morning at about 9 that went very well. I also started a new iv chemo today called Cytoxan. I've had it before just not in such a high-dose. I will be getting another dose of Cytoxan tomorrow and that will be the last.

My family showed up to watch the Oregon Football game with me which was rad. What a game! Been thinking about everyone in Eugene. The Rose Bowl Cometh!!

Here are some random pics to finish the day:

This is what my new 'neostar catheter' looks like. It. is. awesome.

What a view?! Well done dad!

This nurse's name is Hugh. He's been my night nurse for the majority of evenings so far. He's a lovely and informative person and resembles Andre Agassi quite a bit. There has been no crystal-meth abuse in the past for Hugh though.


  1. your positive attitude is so powerful! I love your ability to still be amused and amusing, makes me cry and laugh at the same time.........hope you get to show Karlin all of Star Trek, it is probably my number 2 movie of this year (Julia-Julie was #1).....and you don't look gruesome, I was expecting wires sticking our of your head (kinda like Jim's hair in the a.m.) you kids

  2. I must say this is great charles thank you and karlin for taking the time to post about whats going on with you. Pete's aunt works at ohsu and used to work in the area you are in if I am right but now working in the MRI area... and your head looks fine : ) looks like you took a wiked spill off a bike or something and cracked it open : P

  3. that neostar catheter looks and sounds like something from Iron Man... that seems like a pretty major bonus. please tell me that they are also infusing your bones with adamantium and using radioactive spiders to administer the radiation therapy... marvel mash-up mayhem...

    i'm really grateful that you are handling this so well. it takes a lot of maturity to really go with your emotions. proud of you, dude.

    p.s. don't worry about your battle scars. all anyone else can see is our good friend Charles.

  4. On the picture of your catheter, I thought you had dropped a dried apricot, and then I realized it was your nipple. Let's keep the raciness of this blog, okay!

  5. Oops, there was another one that didn't have a nipple and I though I put that one up. I did think of the nipple factor. Sorry to all the nipple-sensitivists.
